Brief intervals in time and space...brief in time because photographs are relatively small in the temporal realm relative to everyday human life; brief in space because most photographs only capture a small amount of the physical space around us. Although there are examples which defy these descriptions most photographs fall within these boundaries. An excellent example are the photos taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. These are neither brief in space nor time. The purpose of this blog will be to showcase my experiments with photography, both in the digital and analog realms. Hopefully through these pages and pictures I will be able to capture truthful moments, however brief, which will make you feel something , anything . And hopefully I will find out something about the world, and also myself, through the images that will follow . With that said, the following images were taken in Cape Town, South Africa with a Minolta X-70 (aka. Minolta XG-M) with Fuji Superia 200...